Sunday, 20 May 2012

Imaginary Number

We know there are natural numbers, real numbers etc. Like them, there is a imaginary number. It is denoted by 'i'. How does it come?
We know that square root of a positive number is always positive. For example: 42=16 and √16=4. Here 4 is positive number. So, it satisfies the equation X2 =16.
So square of any positive or negative number is a positive number.
But look at the equation:     x2+4=0 that implies x2 = − 4
What value of x will satisfy this equation? There is no real number whose square is negative and that is what we have been told that we can't take the square root of a negative number.

To solve this problem, an Imaginary Number 'i' was proposed( or invented, discovered whatever it is) where  
i2 = -1

So, we can write √−4 as  √−1.√4 = i2 and √−7 as  √−1.√7 = i7.

Imaginary number 'i'  has interesting property. Higher integral powers of 'i' cycles through i,−1,− i and 1. 
i2     =  −1
i3     =  i2.i  =  −1· i  =  − i
i4     =  i3.i  =  − i· i  =  − i2  =  −(−1)  =  1
i5     =  i4.i  =  1· i  =  i

i-1   =  1/i   =   i2/i   =  − i
i-2   =  1/i2   =   1/-1   =  − 1
i-3   =  1/i3   =   1/-i   =  (−1)(i-1) = (−1)(− i) = i
i-4   =  1/i4   =   1/i2.i2   =  (−1)(−1) = 1
i0 =1
i in the complex or cartesian plane. Real numbers lie on the horizontal axis, and imaginary numbers lie on the vertical axis
Photo courtesy: wikipedia
The concept of an imaginary number may be intuitively more difficult to grasp than that of a real number. It is widely used in mathematics and  physics. In electrical and electronic engineering, it is denoted by 'j' because 'i' is used as symbol of current.

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