Wednesday, 2 January 2013

What is MVC?

If you are in software development sector and specially in web development, surely you have heard a common phrase 'MVC' which means Model-View-Controller.

MVC is a software architectural pattern where the development is divided into 3 parts - the Model, the View and the Controller. The total software application is separated in a way that data processing or manipulation is done in Model part, User interface to view  and modify data is done in View part and  logical operation on data is done in Controller part.

MVC Components
  • The Model represents the data structures. Model section maintain data. Typically  model classes contain functions that retrieve, insert, and update information in database.
  • The View presents data to the user. A View is a interface which help user to interact with the data.
  • The Controller does all the logical operations. It serves as an intermediary between the model and view.
MVC was probably first used in Smalltalk(object-oriented, dynamically typed, reflective programming language.)

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