Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Euler Number

Euler's number e is a mathematical constant and it is named after the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler. The pronunciation of Euler is 'Oiler' in English. The number e is also known as Napier's constant because the number  appeared on John Napier's work on logarithms that was published in 1618.   Leonhard Euler was not inventor of that constant but he introduced the letter e as the base for natural logarithms and Euler's choice of the symbol e is said to have been retained in his honor. Euler probably used this symbol in 1927.

The number e is a famous irrational number, and is one of the most important numbers in mathematics. It is also called as Transcendental number. The numerical value of e is :

2.71828182845904523536 (and more ...)

There are many ways of calculating the value of e.  
n (1 + 1/n)n
1 2.00000
2 2.25000
5 2.48832
10 2.59374
100 2.70481
1,000 2.71692
10,000 2.71815
100,000 2.71827
Its value is approximately 2.718281828459045... and has been calculated to 869,894,101 decimal places by Sebastian Wedeniwski.
Another way we can calculate the value of e and it is below:
e=1/0! + 1/1! + 1/2! + 1/3! + 1/4! + 1/5! + 1/6! + 1/7! + ...
Here  "!" means factorial.
The first few terms add up to: 1 + 1 + 1/2 + 1/6 + 1/24 + 1/120 +...... = 2.718055556
The sum of the values is 2.7182818284590452353602875 which is "e."

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